* 모든 제품은 부가세가 포함된 금액입니다.
*재고 문의 T.031-723-7979 / E. info@cellto.co.kr / 카카오플러스 셀투바이오
Product Name : XENO-EVI™ KIT
Catalog Number : 9366-EVI
Product Description Product Performance
Exosomes, nano-sized vesicles released into the extracellular environment such as body fluids (e.g., plasma, saliva, and urine), were initially regarded as cellular waste or by-products with limited significance in the field. However, recent discoveries have unveiled their capacity to carry a complex cargo of genetic materials, facilitating intercellular communication among different target tissues. This remarkable finding has sparked interest in exosomes as potential non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic nanocarriers. To further our understanding of their role as diagnostic biomarkers of diseases and therapeutic applications, various approaches to exosome isolation have been developed, and the number of related studies is growing.
An intact isolation of exosomes is a critical step in studying the biological function of exosomes. Traditional methods for extracellular vesicle (EV) isolation, such as ultracentrifugation, have been time-consuming, challenging, and prone to inconsistencies due to non-specific reagents. In light of these challenges, the XENO-EVI™ KIT has been specifically designed to optimize the isolation of EVs from human plasma.
▪ Time saving : no cumbersome ultracentrifugation step
▪ Cost-effective : more affordable than other costly kits
▪ Higher purity : reduces carry-over of non-exosomal proteins
General Guidelines
▪ The reaction size is based on using 100 μl of plasma sample.
▪ To remove large vesicles and increase purity of exosomes, follow B. Exosome Isolation of our protocol.
Product Performance
Figure 1. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) isolation and characterization. EVs were isolated from 100 μl of plasma using XENO-EVI and characterized by using ZetaView® nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) instrument (Particle Metrix).
Figure 2. Western blots for CD9 and albumin expression in exosome and plasma. Immunoblot analysis was performed to detect CD9 (EV marker protein) and albumin (highly abundant protein in plasma). Exosome in 100 μl of plasma was isolated using XENO-EVI Kit. Each lane was loaded with exosomal proteins and 500 ng of plasma total proteins. Western blot shows that exosome contains much more CD9 compared to plasma.
Figure 3. Analysis of exosome purity and the protein yield.
Exosomes were isolated from 100 μl of plasma using XENO-EVI and kits from company A and company B. Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) was performed to count the number of particles by using a NanoSight NS300 system (Malvern Instruments). Total protein concentration was measured at 280 nm.
Protocol : XENO-EVI™ KIT
* 모든 제품은 부가세가 포함된 금액입니다.
*재고 문의 T.031-723-7979 / E. info@cellto.co.kr / 카카오플러스 셀투바이오
Product Name : XENO-EVI™ KIT
Catalog Number : 9366-EVI
Product Description Product Performance
Exosomes, nano-sized vesicles released into the extracellular environment such as body fluids (e.g., plasma, saliva, and urine), were initially regarded as cellular waste or by-products with limited significance in the field. However, recent discoveries have unveiled their capacity to carry a complex cargo of genetic materials, facilitating intercellular communication among different target tissues. This remarkable finding has sparked interest in exosomes as potential non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic nanocarriers. To further our understanding of their role as diagnostic biomarkers of diseases and therapeutic applications, various approaches to exosome isolation have been developed, and the number of related studies is growing.
An intact isolation of exosomes is a critical step in studying the biological function of exosomes. Traditional methods for extracellular vesicle (EV) isolation, such as ultracentrifugation, have been time-consuming, challenging, and prone to inconsistencies due to non-specific reagents. In light of these challenges, the XENO-EVI™ KIT has been specifically designed to optimize the isolation of EVs from human plasma.
▪ Time saving : no cumbersome ultracentrifugation step
▪ Cost-effective : more affordable than other costly kits
▪ Higher purity : reduces carry-over of non-exosomal proteins
General Guidelines
▪ The reaction size is based on using 100 μl of plasma sample.
▪ To remove large vesicles and increase purity of exosomes, follow B. Exosome Isolation of our protocol.
Product Performance
Figure 1. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) isolation and characterization. EVs were isolated from 100 μl of plasma using XENO-EVI and characterized by using ZetaView® nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) instrument (Particle Metrix).
Figure 2. Western blots for CD9 and albumin expression in exosome and plasma. Immunoblot analysis was performed to detect CD9 (EV marker protein) and albumin (highly abundant protein in plasma). Exosome in 100 μl of plasma was isolated using XENO-EVI Kit. Each lane was loaded with exosomal proteins and 500 ng of plasma total proteins. Western blot shows that exosome contains much more CD9 compared to plasma.
Figure 3. Analysis of exosome purity and the protein yield.
Exosomes were isolated from 100 μl of plasma using XENO-EVI and kits from company A and company B. Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) was performed to count the number of particles by using a NanoSight NS300 system (Malvern Instruments). Total protein concentration was measured at 280 nm.
Protocol : XENO-EVI™ KIT
다른 고객님이 함께 구매한 상품
상호: (주)셀투바이오 | 대표: 모준원
사업자등록증: 590-87-00668
주소: 경기도 성남시 중원구 둔촌대로 474,
선택시티1차 2층 212호
Tel : 031-723-7979 / Fax : 031-629-7878
email : info@cellto.co.kr
통신판매업번호: 제 2021-성남중원-0440호